Finding Renewal when You Feel Burnout

with Amber Harper of The Burned-In Teacher

After such a crazy year, teacher burnout is more common than ever. In this session, you'll examine why you're burnt out and discover practical steps to find the renewal you need.


About Amber Harper

Amber Harper is a long-time educator, author, speaker, and podcaster. She’s the founder of and author of Hacking Teacher Burnout which gives struggling teachers a path to follow as they navigate their way out of burnout. Amber is a Teacher Burnout Coach here to help educators grow through their burnout and take their next, best steps toward what they want out of their career in education.

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Join the Conversation!

Share your thoughts below.

  • Daphne says:

    Hey there! Amber, now that school has been in session for a while, what other strategies have you done to ensure you maintain your new mindset of being Burned In and otherwise using time effectively throughout the day?

  • Kristie Pearson says:

    thanks! So encouraging!!

  • Mary Lee-Ann Dunn says:

    This is my 10th year to teach and I am not burned out…yet. But this supercharged me and I am in it for the long haul! 😀
    Thank you for this!