Transforming Our Schools by the Power of Prayer

with Sally Burke, President of Moms in Prayer

Did you know that there is an army of moms around the country (and world) praying for you? Come hear from the President of Moms In Prayer about the power of prayer to transform schools—and the best part? She has a plan for teachers to pray, too.


About Sally Burke

Moms in Prayer International President Sally Burke’s introduction to the ministry in 1990 was life changing. Compelled by joy and the hope God gave as she prayed with others for her children and their schools, Sally began to reach out and share with other moms—first as a Moms in Prayer group leader, then area coordinator for her hometown of Temecula, California, and later as regional coordinator for Riverside County. In 2008, Sally became the Director of Field Ministry at Moms in Prayer headquarters, overseeing ministry expansion worldwide. 

Today, in her role as President of Moms in Prayer International, her vision remains unchanged, that more children and schools and moms might experience God’s life-changing answers to prayer. Sally is also an international speaker, teacher and author of Raise Them Up, Start with Praise, Unshaken, and the Unshaken Study Guide

As a child growing up in Florida, Sally was fascinated with the space program and began her career as a space shuttle engineer with a Master of Science in Management. After her marriage and the birth of two children, Sally and her husband came to faith in Christ, and Moms in Prayer soon became a top priority. She and husband, Ed, now have four grown children, a son-in-law, two daughters-in-law and four grandchildren. In her leisure time, you’ll find Sally on a walk/run, curled up with a good book or enjoying the company of friends.

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Join the Conversation!

Share your thoughts below.

  • Roshene says:

    Great session. Continue to pray for our schools, they need it.

  • J says:

    Encouraging and inspiring to pray

  • Bethany Dancey says:

    What an encouragement! I had never heard of this group. It certainly gave me ideas for how I can serve others around me through prayer. Loved so much that was shared here.

  • Mary Lee-Ann Dunn says:

    This was so great! It has encouraged me to start a prayer group at my school! 🙂

  • Sonja Taylor says:

    So excited to learn about this organization and loving the Teachers in Prayer aspect of it!

  • DL says:

    This session was so uplifting and motivating to get a prayer group going in the schools with whom I am connected.